Brown coffee beans in mason jar

How to Make Cold Brew in a Mason Jar? (Step-by-Step)

Henry Muller

Have you ever wondered if we can brew coffee in a mason jar?

Don't worry!

Today in this article I will share with you how to make a cold brew in a mason jar.

Plus, I will also share with you its benefits, things to take care of while doing so, and how to choose the right mason jar.

So let's get started.

Can you make cold brew in a mason jar?

Absolutely! Mason jars are excellent for making cold brews.

Their airtight lids and convenient size make them ideal for the steeping process. It allows you to control the coffee-to-water ratio and experiment with various flavor profiles

Benefits of brewing cold brew in a mason jar

1) Cost-effective

Mason jars are easily available and budget-friendly which makes them an accessible option for homebrewing enthusiasts.

2) Convenient size

The size of a Mason jar is perfect for individual servings or small batches. It gives you the flexibility to experiment with different coffee blends.

3) Airtight seal

The secure lid ensures that your cold brew stays fresh and free from external odors during the steeping process.

How to make a cold brew in a mason jar?

Step 1: Gather your materials

Before you get started on your cold brew, gather the following materials:

  • A Mason jar (quart size works well)
  • Coarsely ground coffee beans
  • Cold or room temperature water
  • A stirring utensil
  • A fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth
  • Optional: Sweeteners, milk, or flavorings of your choice

Step 2: Measure your coffee

For a standard ratio, use 1 cup of coarsely ground coffee for every 4 cups of water. Adjust the amounts based on your taste preferences and the size of your Mason jar.

Step 3: Combine coffee and water

Place the coarsely ground coffee in the Mason jar and add the cold or room temperature water. Stir the mixture thoroughly to ensure all the coffee grounds are saturated.

Step 4: Steep the coffee

Secure the lid on the mason jar and let the coffee steep in the refrigerator for 12 to 24 hours. The extended steeping time allows for a full extraction of flavors.

Step 5: Strain and serve

After steeping, strain the coffee concentrate using a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth into another container. This will remove the coffee grounds, leaving you with a smooth liquid. Dilute the concentrate with water, milk, or your preferred beverage to achieve your desired strength.

Read More: Learn to make cold brew in French press

Things to take care of while brewing mason jar cold brew

1) Coffee-to-water ratio

Achieving the right coffee-to-water ratio is crucial for a balanced flavor. Generally, use coarsely ground coffee at a ratio of about 1 cup of coffee grounds to 4 cups of cold water. Adjust the ratio based on your taste preferences.

2) Quality of coffee beans

Start with high-quality, freshly ground coffee beans. The flavor of your cold brew will greatly depend on the quality and freshness of the coffee.

3) The coarseness of grind

Use a coarse grind for the coffee beans. This helps prevent over-extraction and bitterness, and results in a smoother and less acidic cold brew.

4) Filtered water

Use filtered water to avoid any impurities or off-flavors in your cold brew. Water quality significantly impacts the taste of the final product.

5) Brewing time

Allow the coffee to steep in the mason jar for an extended period, typically 12 to 24 hours. Experiment with different brewing times to find the flavor profile that suits your taste preferences.

6) Stirring or shaking

It's a good idea to stir or shake the mason jar during the brewing process. This helps ensure that the coffee grounds are evenly saturated and promotes a more consistent extraction.

7) Straining method

After the brewing period, strain the coffee to remove the grounds. You can use a fine-mesh sieve, cheesecloth, or a purpose-built cold brew coffee filter. Ensure that your straining method properly removes all the grounds for a smooth final product.

8) Storage container

Once strained, transfer the cold brew concentrate to a clean container for storage. Mason jars are excellent for this purpose, but make sure the jar is clean and has a secure lid to prevent any unwanted flavors or odors.

9) Dilution

Cold brew concentrate is strong, so when serving, dilute it with water, milk, or a milk alternative based on your preference. Experiment with dilution ratios to find the strength you enjoy.

10) Serve cold

Cold brew is meant to be served cold. Pour it over ice, add milk or sweeteners if desired, and enjoy a refreshing and flavorful cold coffee.

11) Experiment with additions

Cold brew is versatile, and you can experiment with adding flavors like vanilla, cinnamon, or simple syrup during or after the brewing process to customize the taste to your liking.

12) Don’t forget to clean the jar

Keep your mason jar, strainers, and other equipment clean. Any leftover coffee oils or residue can impact the taste of future batches.

Learn More: Cold brewed vs hot brewed coffee

Wrapping up

That's all for this article.

I hope now you know how to make cold brew coffee using a mason jar.

The simplicity of this method, coupled with the Mason jar's charm, which makes it a delightful addition to your homebrewing repertoire.

So, gather your materials, steep patiently, and savor the fruits of your brewing adventure!


1) Can I reuse the coffee grounds for a second batch?

While it's possible, the second batch may be weaker. It's best to use fresh grounds for optimal flavor.

2) Can I heat the cold brew after steeping?

Absolutely! Cold brew concentrate can be diluted with hot water or milk and heated for a warm coffee experience.

3) How long does Mason jar cold brew last in the refrigerator?

Stored in an airtight container, Mason jar cold brew can last up to two weeks, maintaining its freshness and flavor.


Henry Muller

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I am a barista by profession hailing from NC. My journey began in my late teens when I started working as a barista in a local coffee shop. My passion for coffee quickly became evident as I immersed myself in the art of espresso extraction, latte art ...